LogTag Analyzer 3 print multiple documents

LogTag Analyzer printing has been optimized to work with high-resolution monitors. This is a resource intensive task and the application may get stuck or crash on processing files, especially if trying to "Print All"  multiple open documents. 

If high DPI monitors are not being used, support for them can be turned off in Analyzer. This will allow to free resources and print multiple files faster:


  1. Download this configuration file: AnalyzerDesktop.exe.config
  2. Close LogTag Analyzer 3
  3. Rename the file C:\Program Files\LogTag Recorders\LogTag Analyzer3\AnalyzerDesktop.exe.config and replace it with the downloaded configuration file (you will need administrator rights for this operation).
    If you have selected a different installation path, please use this path instead.
  4. Re-start LogTag Analyzer and print again.


Note: The configuration file will need to be replaced again after updating LogTag Analyzer to a newer version.

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