Setting up automated email via Gmail

You can use Google’s SMTP server to send automated e-mail through your Gmail account. This requires special settings, which are slightly different than typically found with other email clients.

  • Open LogTag Analyzer, click on 'Options' from the 'Edit' menu, choose the tab 'Automation', enable ‘automatic’ or ‘on request’ download of readings from LogTag by checking the box.
  • Select the button 'Email settings'.


  • Enter as the SMTP server.
  • The SMTP connection must be made over SSL, so you need to select the SSL checkbox.
  • In the Authentication section select the username and password checkbox and enter your Gmail account’s username (your full email address) and password in the text entry fields.
  • In Advanced Settings enter 587 in the Port number field.

Complete the remaining entries in the SMTP section as you would for all other Internet Service Providers.

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